Improved Access service for evening and weekend appointments.
Evening access
This is a requirement (known as Improved Access) where practices ensure that from Monday to Thursday a practice in each area is open between 6pm-8pm.
To access the following appointments please continue contact us here at Catherine House Surgery:
Mondays: 6.00pm to 8.00pm – Leatside Surgery
Tuesdays: 6.00pm to 8.00pm – Chilington Surgery & Ashburton Surgery (rotation basis)
Wednesdays: 6.00pm to 8.00pm – South Brent Health Centre & Catherine House (rotation basis)
Thursdays: 6.00pm to 8.00pm – Dartmouth Medical Practice
Weekend Improved Access Service
We offer weekend appointments situated in two central hub locations, and more local Hubs
Please call us to pre-book a Weekend appointment:
Fridays: 6.00pm—8.00pm
Saturdays: 8.00am—6.00pm
Sundays: 8.00am—2.00pm
Consent to share your medical records with another practice:
Please note as this contract is being delivered at scale across the locality, you will not necessarily be seen by a GP, Practice Nurse or HCA known to you from your practice
To ensure that the Clinician you see has full access to your medical records, when you book your appointment the Administrator will ask you to consent to sharing your medical records. Once consent is gained the clinician seeing you on the day is the only person who will have access to your medical record, this consent is valid for 28 days from the appointment date. It is essential that consent is gained for you to be able to have the appointment. If you feel you do not wish to provide consent then it will not be suitable for you to book the appointment.
Thank for you your co-operation and support and we hope you make full use of this new service.